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Luckily they still can out-rule the man on somethings but they can’t keep a constant eye on him.Įspecially when they have to practically babysit the other, old, Champions when they decide to be bratty and pick on each other like younger siblings. No doubt, if they let the man do so, he would completely cut Leon off from everyone and control everything in his life 24/7. Their not the only ones he annoys on a constant basis, the International League as a whole isn’t to fond of the man as he insists on doing Leon’s paperwork or pushing it off to Oleana who doesn’t complain about the extra large work load due to Leon’s schedule which Rose controls. Unknowingly to Rose he drives the other Champions mad with his constant need to keep Leon in sight at all times and butting into conversations that he doesn’t belong in nore was apart to begin with. Especially when he tails after them all when their in Galar doing PR and talking to Press about the upcoming master Eight battles. He’d assumed since they get along with Leon, despite the others not getting to share a strong bond with the young man due to Rose’s influence, their fine with him.

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It’s particular to note, in the CD!au, that Rose is very obvious to the distaste for him in his internal colleagues.

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